The Brass Tacks of the Twin Paradox

The Brass Tacks of the Twin Paradox

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Remember Einstein’s Twin Paradox? Someone goes walkabout at near light speed and winds up younger than their twin who stayed at home. It seems like a conundrum wrapped in an enigma because the the experts insist that moving clocks tick more slowly than one another. It's patent nonsense of course because you can't be both older and younger than your twin when you're standing face-to-face at the family reunion. So what's up with that? Are they pulling our proverbial legs? Here's the geometry in question:

Conventional Wisdom

You can find several explanations in the literature and on YouTube (see links below for example.) The general consensus is that the symmetry is broken by the traveller's antics at the waypoint. The about face at that location is supposed to be the give-away. That's how we know whose clock is running slow. But naysayers with an ounce of common sense are quick to point out that we're being presumptuous. How can we know who's actually doing the about face? Maybe the Earth and the waypoint are zigzagging through spacetime and the traveller is standing still.

Fair enough, but it's easy to sort that out because you inevitably feel a force when you change your speed and/or heading. We can interview the participants about their experience after the fact or equip them with decent accelerometers. Problem solved. The symmetry is broken by acceleration at the waypoint. It's not a very satisfying explanation though because acceleration doesn't factor into a Lorentz transformation. It's all about velocity. Acceleration is just a means to an end.

Barking up the Wrong Tree

Einstein tried to make it better by invoking general relativity: Diaglogue about Objections to the Theory of Relativity. It's an interesting application of his equivalence principle, but it doesn't actually shed any light on the subject because the pesudo-gravity effect goes away as soon as you cut your engines and we can make the burn time arbitrarily short compared to the time spent at cruising speed by simply taking a longer trip. So GR is a distraction. Let's take that off the table first.

In fact, the return trip itself is a red herring for the problem at hand because your antics on arrival cannot retroactively change the time you spent getting there. Stop for tea, head for home, or do a fly-by and carry on. It just doesn't matter because the arrival event is right there in your vacation footage for all to see. It all boils down to constant cruising speed.

Faster or Slower Time?

The events in question for the outbound leg are as follows:

The traveller goes from A to D. The bystander goes from B to D. The chart on the right is scaled down for easier comparison. One interpretation of this result is, the traveller's clock runs slower than the bystander's clock because the A'D' time interval is shorter than the BD one, even after the right-hand chart is scaled up. That's because the bystander gets a head start from the traveller's point of view. One could argue that the traveller's clock actually runs faster because the B'D' time interval is longer than the BD one after the right-hand chart has been scaled up properly.

That's how an engineer would look at it. A Lorentz transformation has two additional parts compared to a Galilean one. First there's a temporal translation (t - vx/c^2) in addition to the spatial one (x - vt). Then there's a scaling factor, which dilates the space and time axes symmetrically. The temporal translation affects the amount by which the traveller ages in transit, but it doesn't change the scale of the time axis. (You can shift the origin from A to B if that makes it any easier to understand.)


However you choose to skin that cat, it does seem lopsided because there's a clear distinction between traveller and bystander. That's unexpected because there's no such distinction in a Galilean transformation. But here's what happens if you start your analysis from the other point of view:

Events A, C, and D are the same as before so the transformation is demonstrably symmetric. Event E is new, but it's not shenanigans. We could have included it in the previous analysis or included event B in this one. The traveller gets a head start in this case so the bystander ages less. The upshot is, the answer to the question of whose clock is running slow depends on when the other guys start counting or equivalently, how far they have to go from your point of view because the initial separation also depends on perceptions of simultaneity.

The Defect

Even so, each twin sees the other coming and going in the round trip scenario so we have no basis to decide which one is inertial. One of them (or both) has to feel the force at the turnaround, but their clocks have already decided how fast they’re going to tick before that happens. In fact, we can invoke a 2nd traveller for the return trip who is already up to speed so no one has to pull any G’s during the experiment. Fly-by’s will suffice. The experts call that an epistemological defect in the theory, by which they mean you have to apply some common sense. It’s not unlike taking the square root of a number. There are two possible answers, one positive and one negative, but only one of them makes sense if we’re talking about the radius of a circle for example. By the same token, you may have jumped to conclusions if Earth Twin is younger than Space Twin at the family reunion.

The Cosmic Rest Frame

One last thing. The cosmic rest frame is always a good sanity check for you calculations. You know you've got it wrong if a transformed event occurs before the dawn of creation. The universe also has no net momentum and you can't go any slower than that. Cosmic time is therefore the fastest time there is so it's the best context for comparing clock rates.


Here are some good resources for further study on our collective state of confusion on this subject:


  1. You are, but there's no prize for that.

  2. Hi Mike, you know my views on the twin paradox very well and I am not repeating them.
    You are a real physics enthusiast and you did a good job, very good!
    Your observations are very interesting, it's nice to continue studying!

    You do very well!

  3. You are right when you talked about traveling twins.
    Let's imagine two spaceships, one traveling to the left (and the second traveling to the right).
    The speed of each ship is opposite to that of the other ship.
    Both spaceships move in the frame of the Earth and they move with uniform rectilinear motions, compared to a third twin left on Earth.
    In the frame of each of the two astronauts, the other twin is in motion. (but neither is younger than the other, the two astronauts are the same age)
    However, the two astronauts are younger than the twin left on Earth, it is as if the two astronaut twins had traveled in the same spaceship!

  4. The Lorentz Transformation is not capable of deciding which frame is moving. It is essentially 1 equation in 2 variables. Standing still or moving doesn't matter. Relative velocity is still one equation in two variables. Assuming there are only two frames, only one can be treated as stationary. But since the physical effect of time dilation only applies to the one in motion, and is the same regardless of which frame is moving, we can calculate the degree of the relativistic effect without actually assigning it to a specific frame. Then both observers can make the same, true statement: "If I am standing still, then you are moving." If the speaker is actually in the reference frame, then the measurement of relative velocity affirms that the other observer is moving. On the other hand, if the speaker is NOT in the reference frame, then the premise is false. But a conditional statement with a false premise is always true, regardless of whether the conclusion is true or false.

    1. The stationary reference frame is not dealer's choice. It's the one in which the bystanders are force-free.

    2. ...while the travellers are getting underway.


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